Today was Mitten 1's first day of school. There were no tears - I repeat - no tears. Look at those blindingly white runners will you! I wonder how long they will stay clean? Her backpack is as big as she is. Prep is a whole new world...........Look at my baby.........
We had a lovely Australia Day yesterday. I got this bunting from woollies and it gave our house a real nautical fee. I kind of like it actually. Uncle N, Aunty R and the kids came over for a swim and a BBQ
(I know how original). It was super yummy. Mitten 2 thought so.
I made an amazing pavlova if I do say so myself. Forgot to take a piccy sorry. It is one of my most favourite desserts ever.
My geraniums are very happy to see the sun out again. So are my vincas.
And the scarlet pimpernel. It will also be even happier when somebody stops whipper snipping too close to it's roots.
I am trying to grow it up the fence. Will show you when it is more established. Some of my garden needs some help though and I feel I need to consult the expert - Tom - from 5 elements. 90% of my garden is in big planters and some of the plants have become a bit stressed from sudden bursts of excessive heat and of course all of that rain. They need attention, and I need to learn what to do. Does anyone have any clues as to what to do before I give Tom a call?
I did mention that we have tried to do a lot for the flood victims. We have in our way which was good. Our local primary school has a partnership with a primary school in Emerald and we all put together a wonderful collection of stationery for the children. Apparently they lost everything in the floods. My next door neighbour the gorgeous M took up a collection for an entire street in Kenmore which we donated heaps too. At the office, my husband got a team together and joined up with the Brisbane City Council and helped get information to those affected by the floods for what their entitlements are. And of course we have donated to the Premiers appeal. I have felt guilty for not getting out there and shovelling dirt, but as it turns out, there are many other ways to help.
On a fun note check out the monograms and manicures blog to the right of my post. They are having a pink swap and it sounds like a lot of fun.