Everybody loves the Sound of Music don't they? If not what they hell is wrong with you??!! I remember watching this movie every year when it came on tv when I was growing up. I have such fond memories of certain scenes - dancing in the rotunda, the thunderstorm, hiding in the graveyard, know all of the songs off by heart. I even learnt how to play
Doe a Deer on the piano for heaven's sake! So if you do like the movie like I do, get yourself along to one of these events. Beyond brilliant fun!
How do you solve a problem like Maria? |
I knew something was up when we pulled into the carpark at QPAC and there were all of these people in costume....... Various Von Trapps, Marias, brown paper packages tied up with strings...... I thought I was going to a musical but no - this is a screening of the movie karaoke style - full of die-hard fans in the audience.
I sat next to this big burly bloke - bald, tattooed, pierced.........and yet here we were swaying our edelweiss together singing along to Christopher Plummer........We'd boo & hiss at the Baroness but whisper to each other about how fabulous her outfits were!
a will-o'-the-wisp |
It is just so much fun!
Your invitation to.......... |
You get all of these wonderful props, and one of the nuns from the Abbey explains when to use them.
curtain fabric ready for your own Von Trapp costume |
They have a website
http://www.singalonga.net/ - where you can find out all about it. They do other movies too - Grease, Rocky Horror.....so check it out.
And make sure you go when they come to your town x
Edelweiss |